
Международная детско-юношеская Премия Экология - дело каждого!

Age category:the first age group is children from 6 to 9 years old (inclusive)

  • the second age group is children from 10 to 13 years old (inclusive)
  • the third age group is teenagers from 14 to 17 years old (inclusive)
  • the fourth age group is young people from 18 to 35 years old (inclusive).

Requirements for the nomination: individual participation, creative works should be devoted to the elaboration of an initiative in the field of eco-tourism.

The objectives of the nomination are to increase the involvement of children and youth in the environmental agenda through the development of ecotourism, the development and creation of ecological routes.

Format: video clip, duration from 15 seconds to 1 minute is welcome.

Videos can be posted on VKontakte, Telegram channel, Rutube, Odnoklassniki, other social network with hashtags:  #ecologyiseveryone #ecologyiseveryone. Posting on social networks is not mandatory.

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Акция к 80-летию Великой Победы
«Игрушка ветерану»

СМАСТЕРИ мягкую игрушку - белого медвежонка!
ОТПРАВЬ ее до 1 апреля!
ПОЛУЧИ сертификат за участие!

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