Young Eco-Blogger

The first age group is children and teenagers from 11 to 13 years old. The second age group is children and teenagers from 14 to 16 years old

Tell your subscribers about eco-hacks, perhaps it could be one, but useful, or you can do many.

Your video clip or challenge should inspire and motivate. After all, saving nature is a difficult task, and therefore a common one.

Maybe you'll decide to give up plastic or polyethylene for a while? Teach your followers how to correctly sort their waste? Recycle old stuff? Give up disposable dishes in the catering industry?

There are plenty of opportunities! Try as many as you can and gather a wide circle of supporters. We're waiting for your videos from 15 seconds to 1 minute on social media: Instagram, TikTok, YouTube. Whoever gets the most likes, views, and replays wins.

And don't forget to put hashtags: #ecologyiseveryone #rpnforchildren

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