A young athlete from Siberia trained together with the Russian national ski racing team and met the honored coach of the country Yu.V. Borodavko in the framework of the "Ball of Desires"

Training with the Russian national ski racing team under the guidance of the country's honored coach Yu.V. Borodavko – such an amazing dream came true for 9-year-old Vasilina Satyukova from the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The girl took part in the marathon of kindness "Ball of wishes" and made a wish that she did not fully believe in. But miracles happen! And Vasilina visited the Arkhangelsk region – at one of the training bases of the Russian national team. There she not only trained under the strict guidance of the renowned master of sports Yuri Borodavko, but also ran cross-country with the best skiers of the country, and, of course, took autographs from them!

And Vasilina also met her favorite skier, Olympic champion Natalia Nepryaeva, and even took a ride on her roller skis. The famous athlete gave the girl a sports visor as a souvenir.

Vasilina's most incredible dream became a reality thanks to the performer – the governor of the Moscow region Andrey Vorobyov.

Congratulations to Vasilina and wish her many sports victories and achievements!

You can see a video response about this and other examples of kindness within the "Ball of Desires" here.

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