The Higher School of Economics has become a partner of the Ecology – Everyone's Business Award

One of the leading universities in Russia – the Higher School of Economics has supported the International Children's and Youth Award "Ecology is everyone's business".

Together we attract even more young people to participate in the competition and develop their own projects aimed at caring for nature. HSE and the Award team hold educational meetings with schoolchildren and their parents, such as the Moscow action "Save Money", as well as webinars for teachers from all over Russia. There is great interest in events with students and teachers in the Russian regions, with the aim of forming a new ecological culture in society. So, in Irkutsk, the HSE Institute of Ecology, together with the Ecology is Everyone's Business Award and other partners, held a seminar for teachers, initiating the implementation of network programs for schoolchildren in the field of ecology and sustainable development in this region.

We thank our partner, the Higher School of Economics, for supporting environmental initiatives and helping to form a conscious attitude of young people to the preservation of natural resources of our country.

Nikita Anisimov, Rector of the Higher School of Economics: "It seems to me, firstly, ecology is sewn in every person. The desire for beauty, the desire for order, for cleanliness, for comfort to be around you, the natural environment in which you are – this is the human gene code. Therefore, it seems to me that we should always bring our youth closer to environmental issues, since it is absolutely natural for them. We generally support aspiring students at the university. We support those who think outside the box. Who is able to implement projects. And we see that the prize "Ecology is everyone's business" concentrates just such guys around itself."

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