The wizards of the kindness marathon fulfilled the dreams of the youngest participants.

A novice ecologist Ulyana Parshakova from the city of Perm, at the age of 7, already knows how to sort waste and hand over recyclables for recycling. Participating in the marathon of kindness, Ulyana wished for a shopper bag as a gift so that she could go shopping and not use plastic bags. The girl's wish was fulfilled by a secret donor.
And Katya Fomicheva's dream from Rostov-on-Don was fulfilled by the sorceress of the "Ball of Desires" Tatyana Kuyantseva. Now Katya has two handbags with her favorite cartoon character, Elsa.
Congratulations to the girls with gifts and wish them to develop their eco-habits!
You can see a video response about this and other examples of kindness within the framework of the "Wish Ball" here.