The participant from Peru thanked the organizers of the Award "Ecology is everyone's business"

Participant of 2021, winner of the special prize of the I International Children's and Youth Award of Rosprirodnadzor "Ecology is everyone's business" Ivana Bazan from the Peruvian city of Lima sent her gratitude to Rosprirodnadzor for the opportunity to help nature.

"I want to thank the organizers of the contest "Ecology is everyone's business" in Russia for giving children and young people the opportunity to contribute their ideas and creativity to the cause of caring for the environment," said Ivana Bazan.

The initiator of the Award "Ecology is everyone's business" was the head of Rosprirodnadzor Svetlana Radionova.

The International Children's and Youth Award "Ecology is everyone's business" was established in the spring of 2021. Last year, children and teenagers from 28 countries and all regions of Russia took part in it.

The Ambassador of the Award in Latin America was Miguel de la Cruz Salcedo.

Children and teenagers from Peru, Venezuela, Mexico, Panama, Ecuador, Guatemala also take an active part in Awards.

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