The annual action of Rosprirodnadzor "Ekoelka" has started

In the midst of the V season of the International Children's and Youth Award "Ecology is everyone's business", the head of Rosprirodnadzor Svetlana Radionova announced the launch of the traditional campaign "Eco-village". Its participants give a second life to unnecessary things and create New Year's toys from used plastic. The best decorations will decorate the main eco-village of the country. Creative works are accepted from October 1 to December 1, 2024.

Last year, the All-Russian campaign gathered over 5,000 New Year's eco-friendly toys from all over the country. The authors created jewelry from unnecessary things, garbage, old CDs, plastic bottles, polyethylene, disposable tableware, broken buttons and showed that recycling not only reduces environmental harm, but can also bring joy.

Anyone can take part in the Ecoelka campaign. It is necessary to make a New Year's souvenir from plastic with your own hands and send it to the eco-mail of the Award by December 1 to the address: 119017, Moscow, Bolshaya Ordynka str., 29, building 1, marked "Eco-book", on demand. In addition to the eco-toy, you need to enclose a sheet on which to write in block letters the surname and first name of the author, city, contact phone number and / or e-mail address of the participant.

"Last year, we received an incredible response from all over Russia to the Ecoelka campaign. We were literally inundated with toys. These were amazing crafts, created with imagination and warmth. I hope this time we will see new ideas and ideas on how to turn harmful plastic into something magical. Let it become a good tradition on the eve of the holidays to gather with children, with parents, to dream up and create a miracle together, turning unnecessary things into eco–friendly toys that will delight the whole family for a long time," said Svetlana Radionova, head of Rosprirodnadzor.

The most worthy creative works, the head of the environmental protection service noted, will decorate the main eco-village of the country. According to tradition, it will be opened in December at the Moscow Zoo. There will be free entrance to the zoo for the authors of the decorations. And, of course, the guys will receive prizes and gifts. The idea, appearance and complexity of the product will be evaluated. But the main thing is that mountains of plastic will not go to the landfill, and children and adults will have fun and spend time together, create original jewelry with their own hands. Creativity, warmth and care invested in the creation of these toys will give a truly kind and New Year's Eve mood, Svetlana Radionova emphasized. And the work on creating jewelry in a playful way conveys to the younger generation an important message about respect for nature, teaches them to take care of the environment.

If desired, the toy can be signed by specifying the name, surname and city of the author. It is better to use standard sizes. And take care of the safety of the craft during its journey to Moscow.

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