A new fourth season of the Ecology – Everyone's Business Award has started

The International Children's and Youth Award "Ecology is everyone's business" announces the beginning of a new, fourth season.

Applications are accepted from October 1, 2023 to April 1, 2024. The award is waiting for work from everyone who is not indifferent to environmental problems and is ready to help nature.

Send your work and catch the opportunity to get additional points for the Unified State Exam for admission to universities! For your activity and ingenuity, win trips to the Black Sea and to the All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok". Cool gifts are waiting for the laureates, winners and prize–winners - smartphones, tablets, laptops and much more.

Say your word in defense of the environment! Don't stay away! Be participants, act!

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Акция к 80-летию Великой Победы
«Игрушка ветерану»

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ОТПРАВЬ ее до 1 апреля!
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