Employees of the Moscow company fulfilled the dream of a schoolgirl from Norilsk

A fifth-grader from Norilsk, Alisa Bychkova, took part in the marathon of kindness "Ball of Desires" and made a colorful mock-up of the earth. Alice considers experiments on animals cruel and unacceptable, so her dream was to receive cosmetics as a gift that had not been tested on smaller human brothers. The girl's wish was fulfilled by the employees of the Joint-Stock Company "SHANEKO Group of Companies". They sent Alice a set of cosmetics: eye shadow, lip gloss, highlighter, eyeliner and concealer. The young animal advocate believes that the more people prefer cosmetics that are not tested on animals, the faster brands will switch to alternative research methods.
Congratulations to Alice on fulfilling her dream!
You can see a video response about this and other examples of kindness within the framework of the "Wish Ball" here.