A fabulous trip to Moscow was presented to a participant of the "Ball of Desires" from Tatarstan

8-year–old Samina Giniyatullina made a cherished dream at the kindness marathon - to visit Moscow with her mother. And a miracle happened! The wish was fulfilled by the deputy head of Rosprirodnadzor Svetlana Zhulina. She gave a girl from the city of Mamadysh an unforgettable trip to the capital. For the first time, Samina traveled by plane. The young dreamer visited many sights of Moscow. She was particularly impressed by the Red Square, GUM, VDNH, amusement park, planetarium, aquarium and zoo.

Samina loves animals very much and tries to take care of nature. As part of the marathon of kindness, she made a beautiful model of the earth from paper and plasticine and decorated it with figures of various animals. The trip to Moscow gave the girl many happy moments and the belief that even the most incredible dreams come true! At parting, Samina threw a coin at kilometer zero in order to be sure to come to the capital again.

Congratulations to Samina on an amazing event and wish her new amazing adventures!

You can see a video response about this and other examples of kindness within the framework of the "Ball of Desires" here.

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