A schoolboy from Saratov got acquainted with the inhabitants of the Penza Zoo as part of the marathon of kindness "Ball of Desires"

Third-grader Kolya Volegov from Saratov has long dreamed of visiting the Penza Zoo and talking with rare animals. He told about this at the marathon of kindness "The Ball of desires".

Employees of the Interregional Department of Rosprirodnadzor in the Saratov and Penza regions fulfilled the boy's dream. An excursion was organized for Kolya and his family, during which a zoo researcher told how animals are taken care of, told their rescue stories. The boy learned that white and brown bears, a tigress, a white-tailed eagle, a sun eagle, gibbons and hooves came to the zoo from the wild. They were injured by poachers, or tiny babies were left without a mother.

Thanks to Rosprirodnadzor, animals and birds have been treated and rehabilitated, but, unfortunately, they will not be able to survive in the wild now. They settled in the zoo forever. Kolya really liked the tour. He loves to learn something new about animals, is fond of biology, geography and, perhaps, will join the ranks of professional conservationists! In the meantime, he is preparing his project to participate in the 3rd season of the Ecology is Everyone's Business award.

We wish Kolya success and new knowledge in zoology!

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