A schoolboy from the Amur region visited Lake Baikal – thanks to the marathon of kindness "Ball of Desires"

12-year-old Yaroslav Vasilchenko sang Baikal in verse! His dream of going to the cleanest and most beautiful lake on the planet came true thanks to the marathon of kindness "Ball of Desires".

Yaroslav took part in the ecological change of the Baikal International School. An expedition along the shores of Lake Baikal, studying the diversity of its nature, a lot of fascinating master classes, experiments and experiments. The boy felt the uniqueness and fragility of the nature of the Baikal region and dedicated poems of his own composition to its beauty. 

Yaroslav is an active participant of the Ecology – Everyone's Business award. He is very careful about the environment, is engaged in tree planting, separate garbage collection.

The boy's dream was fulfilled by employees of the Amur Interregional Department of Rosprirodnadzor.

Congratulations to the young ecologist on an unforgettable trip to Lake Baikal and we wish you many new interesting projects in defense of ecology!

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