The "Ball of Wishes" accepts applications from children until May 31!

Have time to make a cherished wish! The marathon of kindness "Ball of Desires" accepts applications for the fulfillment of dreams until May 31 inclusive!

But the marathon doesn't end there!

Anyone who wants to share kindness and fulfill any childhood dream from the wish gallery can become a participant.

Among the applications of the children there are many touching stories about the innermost, dreams of traveling, the desire to see protected places, visit museums, theaters, zoos, help homeless animals and other initiatives of children to protect nature and ecology.

For example, participants of the kindness marathon from Novosibirsk dream that their school will have containers for separate collection of garbage that can be recycled. And Nastya Gerashchenko from Barnaul dreams of a school radio that would give the girl the opportunity to popularize a careful attitude to nature among her peers. Nastya would like to work on the school radio and lead the columns "Pages of the Red Book" and "Environmental News".

You can find out what else children dream about in the "Wish Ball" section. Hurry up to do good!

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Акция к 80-летию Великой Победы
«Игрушка ветерану»

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ОТПРАВЬ ее до 1 апреля!
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