The "Ball of desires" fulfilled the dreams of the children from the Chelyabinsk Children's Aid Center "Aquarelle".

Pupils of the Chelyabinsk Center for helping children left without parental care took an active part in the marathon of kindness "Ball of Wishes". All these guys found themselves in a difficult life situation, but they do not lose faith in miracles and the kindness of people. Boys and girls take care of ecology and nature, create creative works on the topic of environmental protection.
16-year-old Jan Schauerman dedicated his model of the earth to the problem of pollution of the oceans with plastic, which gets into the organisms of marine life and destroys them.
14-year-old Violetta Sycheva has created an unusual model of the planet from puzzles. This summer she visited a labor detachment, cleaned the streets from garbage and made her hometown cleaner and more beautiful.
Jan and Violetta dreamed of getting powerbanks as a gift. Their wishes were fulfilled by a volunteer, a resident of the city of Korsakov on Sakhalin – Tatiana Kuyantseva.
Young pupils of the center Dasha Matkina and Arseniy Sychev dreamed of costumes of cartoon characters Lady Bug and Supercat. Tatiana Alexandrovna fulfilled their dream as well.
And also the desire of 16-year-old Victoria Karamurzina, who loves to listen to music. Now Vicky has wireless headphones!
We thank the good fairy Tatiana for participating in the marathon and wish the guys to continue to take care of the purity of our planet!