The "Ball of desires" fulfilled a childhood dream to visit the cockpit of an airplane

9-year-old Pasha Larin felt like a real pilot, held the steering wheel, studied the levers, toggle switches and control panels in the cabins of a helicopter and amphibious aircraft. And I also learned a lot of interesting things about the work of the Platov International Airport in Rostov-on-Don.

Pasha told about his dream to visit an exciting excursion with friends on the website of the marathon of kindness "Ball of Wishes".

Employees of the interregional department of Rosprirodnadzor in the Rostov region and the Republic of Kalmykia responded to give unforgettable impressions to the children. They organized a trip to the airport for schoolchildren, where the boys learned how the check-in counters are arranged, where passengers' suitcases go, and even got into the baggage picking area. We saw on the inspection equipment what a water bottle looks like on the introscope monitor. We found out what would happen if we forgot a stationery knife in our carry-on luggage. During the tour, the guys watched the training of the dispatchers of the "air traffic police" and learned how they act during emergency situations at the airfield. And, of course, the most exciting moment is a unique opportunity to visit the aircraft of the Southern Aviation Rescue Center of the Russian Emergencies Ministry – the Mi-26 helicopter and the Be-200ChS amphibious aircraft.

To sit at the helm of an aircraft, to feel like a flight crew commander is an unforgettable experience for every boy! Pasha and his friends were surprised by the complexity of aviation devices and took a lot of pictures for memory. The guys received gifts from the airport staff – backpacks, notebooks, thermal mugs and external batteries. The tour ended with a friendly tea party in the VIP terminal.

Congratulations to Pavel on the fulfillment of a sky-high dream!

You can see a video response about this and other examples of kindness within the framework of the "Ball of Desires" here.

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