The "Ball of desires" fulfilled a childhood dream to visit the driver's cabin!

9-year-old Daniil Vasiliev from Rostov-on-Don not only visited the driver's cab, but also drove along the route of the electric train, learned about the peculiarities of its operation, studied the control panel and saw how you can monitor all the locomotive systems. And, of course, during the trip I admired the beauty of my native land!
All this became possible thanks to participation in the marathon of kindness "The Ball of desires".
Daniel made a mock-up of the earth from old threads and paper and sent a video story about his cherished dream. It was performed by employees of the interregional Department of Rosprirodnadzor for the Rostov region and the Republic of Kalmykia. The inspectors organized an educational tour for Daniel at the Museum of railway Equipment, where the boy saw the entire collection of rolling stock, visited inside freight and passenger cars, and learned a lot about railway professions. But the most exciting and unforgettable was the acquaintance with the driver and the control panel of the electric train at the main station of Rostov-on-Don.
This day will forever remain one of the happiest for Dani and his family. As a keepsake, RJ employees presented the boy with a cap, a company badge and a book about the history of the Russian electric train. Now the Rostov schoolboy has no doubt which profession to choose.
We wish Daniel to be inspired by the romance of railways and boldly follow his dream!