Rosprirodnadzor launched the campaign "New Year's eco-game"

The International children's and Youth Award "Ecology is everyone's business" of Rosprirodnadzor announced on November 1 the action "New Year's Eco-game", everyone can participate in it, regardless of age. The purpose of the campaign is to show how the recycling of waste and unnecessary things can reduce the harm to the environment and at the same time gives joy and positive emotions. Creative works are accepted from November 1 to December 1, 2023, the head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Nature Management Svetlana Radionova said.
According to the terms of the promotion, it is necessary to make a Christmas decoration with your own hands from natural or recycled materials, plastic, glass, paper and send it by December 1 to the eco-mail of the Award at:
119017, Moscow, Bolshaya Ordynka Street, house 29, building 1, "Ekoelka", "on demand"
The prize "Ecology is everyone's business" offers to turn non–working light bulbs or broken clocks into a Christmas tree toy and give unnecessary things a second life. This is an important skill for the younger generation, which contributes not only to the disclosure of creative potential, but also helps to rid landfills of a huge amount of waste harmful to the soil. Thus, the craft becomes a creative work for the protection of nature and the preservation of the environment.
"Every Russian family has a tradition of decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year. And we came up with an action that can give another wonderful family tradition – to create Christmas decorations with your own hands. These eco-friendly toys can be passed down from generation to generation, preserving them not only for history, but also as a value of caring for nature. I invite everyone to participate in the "New Year's Eco-game" campaign: to show a little imagination in a warm family circle and turn unnecessary things into dear ones. Let them decorate your holiday every year and remind you that ecology is everyone's business," said Svetlana Radionova, head of Rosprirodnadzor.
The head of the environmental protection service noted that all the crafts that the participants of the action will send will decorate the most eco-friendly Christmas tree in the country. The authors of the best works will receive prizes and gifts. The idea, appearance and complexity of the product will be evaluated. But the main thing is that mountains of plastic or other long-degradable materials will not go to landfill and will not damage nature. In addition, in anticipation of the holidays, children and parents have a reason to have fun and spend time together, create original jewelry with their own hands. As Svetlana Radionova emphasized, creativity, warmth and care invested in the creation of these toys will give a truly kind and New Year's mood. If desired, the toy can be signed by specifying the name, surname of the author and his city. It is better to use standard sizes. It is also important to take care of the safety of the craft during its journey to Moscow.