Rosprirodnadzor has opened an exhibition of works by the winners of the Ecology is Everyone's Business award

The head of Rosprirodnadzor, Svetlana Radionova, has solemnly opened in Moscow a traveling exhibition of works by prize-winners and winners of the International Children's and Youth Award "Ecology is everyone's business". The exposition is presented in the waiting room of the Yaroslavl railway station. It includes drawings and photographs by young authors from Russia, China, Mexico, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

In the III season of the Rosprirodnadzor award "Ecology is everyone's business", over 13 thousand drawings and a record 58.5 thousand photographs on the topic of nature protection were received. Applications came from all Russian regions and dozens of foreign countries. The works of the winners and prize-winners were presented at a traveling exhibition in the waiting room of the Yaroslavsky railway station in Moscow. The exposition was opened by the head of Rosprirodnadzor Svetlana Radionova.

"I congratulate the winners and prize–winners of the Ecology is Everyone's Business award, whose works are presented at the exhibition in Moscow today. This is a great event for every child who, through creativity, draws attention to solving the most important environmental problems. Thank you for your contribution to the protection of nature! We have received over 70 thousand drawings and photographs from all over the world. Each job is filled with anxiety for the future of the planet, responsibility and determination to fight for a healthy environment. It means that we are on the right track," said Svetlana Radionova, head of Rosprirodnadzor.

The ceremony was also attended by Anatoly Khramtsov, Deputy General Director – Chief Engineer of Russian Railways, Andrey Lisitsyn, Head of the Department of Ecology and Technosphere Safety of Russian Railways, Yulia Vinodaeva, Head of the Department of Environmental Management and Environmental Protection of Moscow, Sergei Boyarsky, State Duma Deputy, Dmitry Mednikov, Managing Director of the Russian Media Group, a popular performer and the owner of the "Green gramophone" Julianna Karaulova. The opening of the exhibition was attended by young artists and photographers themselves – 12-year-old Vladislav Skripnikov and 10-year-old Igor Orlov. The guys noted that after seeing the works in one space, they felt the power of their impact on the viewer.

"I like the exhibition! I am overwhelmed with pride that many people will see my photo. And it can change their habitual attitude to the environment," said the young author Vladislav Skripnikov.

The exhibition includes 18 creative works by children from the Crimea, Tomsk, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Sakhalin Region, Krasnodar Territory and other Russian regions. There are also works by authors from foreign countries – China, Mexico, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Visitors will see a picture of Natalie Zufle's "Mountains of Mexico", a drawing "The Best Park" by Sofia Balabanova from Alma-Ata, the work of the winner Anna Krechetova from the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug "Yamal 2.0. I'm Suffocating", an SOS drawing by Huang Yining from China and others. The exhibition will be open for three months.

"It is symbolic that the exhibition will work at the Yaroslavl railway Station. The great Trans-Siberian Railway begins here, along which trains run all the way to Vladivostok and other regions of the country. The passengers will take away the deep and important ideas and meanings of the exhibition with them. Along the way, looking at the beautiful landscapes outside the window, they will definitely think about the importance of caring for the environment," said Anatoly Khramtsov, Deputy General Director and Chief Engineer of Russian Railways.

The drawings and photographs of the winners and prize–winners of the Ecology is Everyone's Business award reflect the most diverse aspects of the eco–exhibition: smoky pipes are an integral part of urban landscapes, the land scorched by forest fires, melting Arctic ice and the disappearance of polar bears, stinking landfills, a new accessory of humanity – gas masks, pollution of the oceans, public indifference to environmental problems. The children also showed another world full of greenery, flowers and picturesque landscapes, fabulous animals and the pristine beauty of the earth.

"Popularization of green ideas and promotion of the ideology of respect for nature is what the Russian Media Group supports Rosprirodnadzor in. This exhibition shows how the image of an environmentally responsible person is being formed. And it's great that it turns out to attract attention to the eco-tourism through art, music and any kind of creativity," said Dmitry Mednikov, Managing Director of the Russian Media Group.

The exhibition was supported by famous and outstanding musicians. The opening ceremony was attended by People's Artist of Russia, jazz pianist Daniil Kramer, participant of the TV project "The Voice of Children 10", winner of vocal competitions Alena Yakovleva and the only jazz double bassist in Russia Daria Chernakova. The owner of the "Green Gramophone", Yulianna Karaulova, also called for eco-education.

"I wish the young talents great success in their creativity and striving to improve the world around them! Who knows, maybe we have future stars in the field of art before us," said Yulianna Karaulova.

After the exhibition of drawings and photographs at the Yaroslavsky railway station in Moscow, the traveling exhibition will visit more than 60 cities of Russia.

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