The award announces the Marathon of kindness "The Ball of Desires"

The marathon of kindness "The Ball of Desires" started together with the third season of the award "Ecology is everyone's business".
What is a kindness marathon? This is a unique opportunity to give children a real miracle and fulfill their most cherished dreams.
By clicking on the "Ball of Desires" link, you will get to the territory of boundless kindness and magic, where children from 6 to 17 years old will tell about their innermost desires, and adults will help them to realize them.
Young marathon participants need to fulfill the conditions of the campaign – to create a model of the globe with their own hands, share their dream in a video postcard and send a letter with a story about themselves to the eco-mail of the "Ball of Desires".
Any person or organization can fulfill a child's dream by choosing a video card on the website or a letter in a postal envelope.
The first wish will be fulfilled on June 1, the International Children's Day. Create! Dream on! And hurry up to do good deeds!