Almost fifty winners of the First Prize "Ecology is everyone's business" rested in Sochi

More than a hundred people - children with disabilities, parents, pupils of boarding schools, mentors received a unique opportunity to spend seven days of rest on the first line by the Black Sea in a hotel with its own beach and swimming pool.  

The federal partner of the project - Sochi Grand Hotel "Pearl" presented vouchers to the finalists of the Rosprirodnadzor award last year.

Among the winners are seven-year-old Masha Gutova and Irina Chebareva.

Maria Gutova is the youngest eco-blogger of the first season of the Award. A seven–year-old girl with a difficult fate from the city of Odintsovo, Moscow region, received a ticket to Sochi as a gift for the video "Planet - I will save you", in which she told about her attitude to nature and how to properly take care of her. Fourteen-year-old champion in wheelchair sports dancing Irina Chebareva from Balashikha performed a dance dedicated to ecology, for which she was awarded the first place in the nomination "Eco-Etiquette" of the 2021 Prize.

"We would like to thank the hotel staff for their sensitive attitude and support, as well as the organizers of the International Children's and Youth Award "Ecology is everyone's Business" for giving us the opportunity to visit this wonderful city of Sochi," Irina Chebareva said.

Also, pupils of the Sosnovka boarding school of the Kaliningrad region and the wards of the Stupinsky branch of the Association of Parents of Disabled Children - the team "Children of a special planet (disabled children)" were able to relax in Sochi.

In 2022, the Grand Hotel Zhemchuzhina became a Federal Partner of the Ecology is Everyone's Business Award for the second time and will award the best trips to the Black Sea.

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