The first All-Russian campaign "New Year's Eco-game" received more than 5 thousand works from all over the country

The All-Russian campaign "New Year's Eco–toy", which was first launched by Rosprirodnadzor as part of the International Children's and Youth Award "Ecology is everyone's business", collected more than 5 thousand eco-friendly New Year's toys from all over the country, including from the LPR, the DPR, said the initiator of the project, the head of Rosprirodnadzor Svetlana Radionova. The participants of the action created Christmas decorations with their own hands from unnecessary things, garbage, natural or recycled materials and showed how recycling can reduce environmental damage.

All souvenirs created by the participants of the action will decorate the most eco-friendly Christmas tree in the country. It will be officially opened on December 13 at the Moscow Zoo. On this day, every toy author will be able to visit the zoo for free and see his work on the largest eco-friendly Christmas tree in the country.

A large-scale action was held within the framework of the International Children's and Youth Award of Rosprirodnadzor "Ecology is everyone's business" from November 1 to December 1. Over 5,000 New Year's toys were received from all regions of Russia, including the Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics. Participants of the Rosprirodnadzor Award Sergey and Nikolay Osadchuk, together with their mother Alina from the city of Bryanka, Luhansk People's Republic, created unusual lanterns and the St. George's cross from old newspapers, walnuts, mechanical watches, fabric, coins and jute rope. Boris Glushak, the winner of the Grand Prix of the 2nd season of the Rosprirodnadzor Award from St. Petersburg, sent a luminous toy in the form of a Christmas tree, which he created based on his scientific development of the Cascade-1 photobioreactor. He gave his toy to Svetlana Radionova and now she will also decorate the main Eco-village of the country. All participants of the action used a variety of materials to create New Year's eco–toys - CDs, plastic bottles, packaging, polyethylene, newspapers, disposable tableware, corks, old buttons, remnants of yarn and felt. Broken light bulbs have been turned into cheerful snowmen, penguins and even elegant bells.

"We hope this will become a good annual tradition. This is the most correct way to use those things that you have left at home – to let the child express himself and also show his parents that this is in demand. Ecology is everyone's business – it's not just a slogan, it's the meaning of life," said Svetlana Radionova, head of Rosprirodnadzor.

Alexey Fursin, Minister of the Moscow Government and Head of the Moscow Department of Culture, also stressed: "The Department of Culture supported the holding of the action at the Moscow Zoo. This is the most suitable place to talk to children about eco-culture. Such events allow us to tell the younger generation in a playful way about how important it is to preserve the environment, keep the city clean, and take care of the habitats of rare species of animals."

Participants from the most remote corners of Russia – Yakutia, Vladivostok, as well as from the Kursk and Belgorod regions sent their creative works, all regions of Russia took part in the first All-Russian action "New Year's Eco-game" of Rosprirodnadzor.

"We thank all the participants of the action for their warmth and caring, for such a huge number of amazing toys. And thanks to our partners, the Moscow Zoo and personally Svetlana Akulova, for the unique opportunity for the children to see their New Year's toys on the main eco-park of the country and feel the approach of New Year's miracles. I wish you to believe in magic and may all your wishes come true!", – said the head of Rosprirodnadzor Svetlana Radionova.

The ceremonial opening of the most eco-friendly New Year tree prepares surprises for all visitors to the zoo.

"We are very pleased to be a part of such an important environmental campaign. The Moscow Zoo and Rosprirodnadzor have long been great friends. Together we help Red Book animals in trouble. And on the opening day of the eco-zoo, we will conduct a tour of the zoo, including visiting those inhabitants who were saved together with Rosprirodnadzor. In addition, all guests will be able to see the polar bear, which is the mascot of the Ecology is Everyone's Business award!" said Svetlana Akulova, director of the Moscow Zoo.

The head of the Federal Environmental Protection Service also expressed gratitude to the Government of Moscow, the Department of Culture of Moscow and everyone who helped to implement the New Year's Eco-Game campaign.

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