RUDN became a partner of the Ecology – Everyone's Business Award.

The Peoples' Friendship University of Russia has become one of the partners of the international children's and youth award "Ecology is everyone's business".

Today, RUDN is one of the national leaders in the field of environmental education and focuses its activities on global sustainable development goals and priorities for the development of science, technology and technology in Russia.

One can get technical, scientific, medical, economic and humanitarian education at the RUDN. Studying foreign languages at the university, students receive the qualification of a certified translator (from one, two or even three languages). The University unites representatives of 160 countries and 500 nationalities. For students, the university offers exchange programs, "double diplomas" together with foreign universities, as well as internships and internships in leading Russian and international companies

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Акция к 80-летию Великой Победы
«Игрушка ветерану»

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