The partner of the Rosprirodnadzor Award is holding a green initiative

The Komsomolskaya Pravda Media Group, the information partner of the International Children's and Youth Award "Ecology is Everyone's Business", holds the All-Russian National Environmental Award, designed to identify the best environmentally oriented practices, research and development, promote environmental technologies, initiatives and achievements of industry, business, science and eco–activists, as well as popularize the best examples environmental practices. 

Representatives of the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, corporations, enterprises and initiative environmental associations implementing environmental projects are invited to participate in the award. 

Applications for participation in the national environmental award are accepted on the official website of the project / until September 1, 2022. Participation in the contest is free, the number of applications from one participant is unlimited. At the end of the bid campaign, the competition commission will start working, which will make a shortlist of the best projects in seven nominations:

  • EcoProduct
  • Eco-enterprise
  • EcoTechnology
  • ECOleader
  • Eco -movement
  • Eco - initiative
  • We are in charge

Also among the participants of the Award will be selected the winner of the Grand Prix, who will receive an award named after the legendary journalist Vasily Peskov. Awarded by the Komsomolskaya Pravda Media Group for a significant contribution to solving environmental problems.

Stages of the competition:

15.09 – 15.10 - All-Russian popular vote on the Award website in the nomination "Eco-initiative of the Year": users choose the most impressive eco-initiatives of domestic business;

1.10 – 1.11 – the work of the expert council on the submitted applications, the formation of shortlists of the Award;

1.11 – 30.11 – selection of winners, final meetings of the expert council, determination of winners in all Award categories;

8.12 – the solemn ceremony of awarding the winners.

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