The Ambassador of Uruguay highly appreciated the Rosprirodnadzor Children's Award [Copy dated 11.11.2022 12:59:01]

Daniel Ruben Castillos Gomez, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay to the Russian Federation, at a meeting with Svetlana Radionova, Head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Nature Management, highly appreciated the initiative of Rosprirodnadzor – the international children's and Youth award "Ecology is everyone's Business". According to the diplomat, children from Uruguay will definitely take part in this project.

"It is an honor for us to receive you at the embassy, Ms. Radionova. Rosprirodnadzor carries out very important activities, and your experience is invaluable. We will be glad to cooperate and hope that you will be able to participate in the first meeting of the intergovernmental negotiating committee on the development of an international agreement on combating environmental pollution, which will be held in Pointe del Este in Uruguay from November 28 to December 2 this year. We highly appreciate the II International Children's and Youth Award "Ecology is Everyone's Business", in which children and adolescents from all over the world present their ideas, projects, videos and initiatives about the importance of encouraging care for the environment and offer their vision for solving these problems. This is a very commendable and timely proposal that deserves support and dissemination. The children of Uruguay will definitely take part in the award and, hopefully, will become winners and will be able to come to Russia," the Ambassador said.

In turn, the head of Rosprirodnadzor Svetlana Radionova noted that this year more than 1,000 foreign works from children and adolescents from 33 countries of the near and far abroad were received for the Ecology – Everyone's Business award.

"We are grateful for the meeting, and it is very valuable for us to receive your feedback. I hope that I will be able to visit Uruguay and take part in an international discussion, including on plastic garbage (IPC-1). It is valuable for us to hear the voices of the guys from Uruguay, who will tell us how they protect nature in their country and what they themselves are doing to protect the environment. We will be waiting for work on our award from children from Uruguay," Svetlana Radionova said at the meeting.

She stressed that the Rosprirodnadzor Award was created to popularize the topic of ecology and environmental conservation. Children from 6 to 17 years old can participate in the project by submitting an application on the website www.экологияделокаждого .Russia in nine nominations: "Eco-family", "Eco-school", "Ecomir", "Ecoproject", "Ecoblogger", "Ecorisunok", "Ecofocus", "Ecomultfilm", "ESG-generation".

The award "Ecology is everyone's business" was supported and headed by the jury of the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation on Agriculture, Ecology and real estate Turnover Victoria Abramchenko.

The general partner of the Rosprirodnadzor Award was the ANO Center for Arctic Initiatives. Federal partners: JSC "RNG", JSC "Uralchem", LLC "Charter", VDC "Eaglet", Moscow Zoo.
The general information Partner is RIA Novosti, the International Information Partner is the International News Agency and Radio Sputnik. The general radio partner is Business FM. The project was supported by: the Russian Society "Knowledge", the Russian Football Union, the Grand Hotel "Pearl", the film studio "Soyuzmultfilm", "The Russian Movement of Schoolchildren", the V.I. Vernadsky Foundation, the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution DO FTSDO, Vedomosti, Izvestia, Komsomolskaya Pravda Publishing House, FederalPress media holding, TV channel "MIR", "Children's Radio", FIA "Regnum", "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", ID "Arguments and Facts" and others.

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