The new partner of the Award is the Yuri and Marina Shamar Foundation for the Development of Social Initiatives

The International Children's and Youth Award of Rosprirodnadzor "Ecology is everyone's business" was supported by the Fund for the Development of Social Initiatives of Yuri and Marina Shamar.

Marina and Yuri have been engaged in charity work for many years. In 2021, they founded a non-profit organization that supports projects aimed at spiritual, cultural and environmental education, the development of educational institutions, sports and healthcare. During this time, the Foundation has supported dozens of initiatives, many regional and federal projects in Moscow, the Moscow Region and the Krasnodar Territory.

Popularization of environmental care, respect for nature, preservation of cultural and family values, formation of a system of additional education for children are the main activities of the Foundation.

We thank the Yuri and Marina Shamar Foundation for supporting the Award and wish you success in your quest to change the external and internal world for the better!

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