A laptop, tablets and smart watches were given as a gift to the participants of the "Ball of Desires"

All kids love gadgets! That is why so many applications for devices have been received for the kindness marathon. Guys from different regions of the country made sure that dreams come true!

So, 9-year-old Katya Migileva from Donetsk really wanted to get a tablet as a gift. Employees of the Southern Interregional Department of Rosprirodnadzor liked the layout of the land created by Katya, and they fulfilled the girl's wish.

A double miracle happened to 10-year-old Nastya Loginova and her younger brother Maxim from the Altai Territory. The guys live in the village of Altai, surrounded by high mountains, clean air and water. The whole village cherishes the pristine nature of its native land, takes care of the environment. Nastya was presented with a tablet by employees of the South Siberian Interregional Department of Rosprirodnadzor. And Maxim's dream of a smartwatch was fulfilled by employees of the Siberian Center for Ecology and Audit.

The desire of 13-year-old Sveta Makarova from the city of Ust-Ilimsk was fulfilled by the Interregional Department of the Federal Service for Supervision of Nature Management in the Irkutsk Region and the Baikal Natural Territory. Sveta was presented with a laptop, which is necessary for studying, preparing various reports and abstracts.

Congratulations to the guys with gifts and we wish them to use gadgets wisely, create projects with their help to protect the environment!

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