People's Artist of Russia Igor Butman entered the jury of the prize "Ecology is everyone's business"

People's Artist of Russia Igor Butman supported the International Children's and Youth Award of Rosprirodnadzor "Ecology is everyone's business" and joined the jury of the competition. This was announced by the head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources Svetlana Radionova.

Igor Butman, a world–renowned Russian jazz musician, called the Ecology - Everyone's Business Award an important initiative aimed at developing ecological culture in Russia, and accepted an invitation to join the jury of the Award. The People's Artist of the Russian Federation expressed his admiration for the strong works of the contestants in various nominations. The head of Rosprirodnadzor Svetlana Radionova thanked the musician for promoting environmental education.

"Thanks to Igor Butman for supporting talented youth in the framework of the Ecology is Everyone's Business Award. I am glad to see outstanding figures of culture and art in the jury of the competition, who help to create a new culture of attitude to nature, popularize environmental education, open up prospects and opportunities for children who are not indifferent to environmental problems. I believe that together we will achieve that an eco–friendly lifestyle will become the norm," Svetlana Radionova said.

In his video message, Igor Butman wished the Award many bright, interesting projects to protect the environment and noted that the love of nature has become a source of inspiration for thousands of children around the world. Their efforts are aimed not only at taking care of the environment, but also at themselves, at discovering talents – musical, artistic, inventive.

"This is a wonderful initiative to unite children and adults all over the world to draw attention to environmental problems. Taking care of the environment should become as integral a part of life as the need for spiritual development, good music, and the desire to do something useful," Igor Butman said.

Svetlana Radionova noted that friendship with Igor Butman began with his participation in the Marathon of kindness "Ball of Desires" organized by the Award. The People's Artist of Russia fulfilled the desire of a novice musician from the Krasnoyarsk Territory Tikhon Satyukov to play with him on the same stage. To make a childhood dream come true, a whole chain of kindness worked. The performance took place thanks to the assistance of the Executive Director of Igor Butman Roman Hristyuk, the director of the Krasnoyarsk Philharmonic Evgeny Stodushny and the head of the Yenisei Interregional Department of Rosprirodnadzor Maria Lyubchenko. At a music festival in Krasnoyarsk, an 8-year-old clarinetist performed several jazz compositions together with Igor Butman.

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