Creative kits were given as a gift to the participants of the "Ball of Desires"

A schoolgirl from Novosibirsk Sofia Kukova created a model of the globe from recycled paper and watermelon seeds. Sonya is fond of painting and asked for oil paints as a gift. Her wish was fulfilled by the magician of the marathon of kindness Oksana Krashennikova.

11-year-old Veronika Zyablova from Krasnodar also received a set for the artist. She created her model of the earth from scraps of colored paper and old magazines - it turned out to be a blooming planet! Veronika's wish was fulfilled by employees of the Southern Interregional Department of Rosprirodnadzor.

The participants of the kindness marathon from Tatarstan received a creative suitcase: Syumbel Khasanova - from the good fairy Ekaterina Balobanova, and Dilia Khuzayanova – from Valeria from the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Employees of the Volga-Kama Interregional Department of Rosprirodnadzor presented a set of glue, activator and colorful sprinkles to Aisha Makhmutova, who likes to create interesting crafts.

Kirill Bykov from Novosibirsk's dream of growing ecocarandashes was fulfilled by a sorceress from the Moscow region, Elina Tyvonik. These pencils have a capsule with seeds at the end. Kirill first used pencils for their intended purpose, and then planted spinach and lettuce leaves in the ground and grew them.

A set for creativity with epoxy resin was presented to Milana Vlasova from the city of Venev by the marathon magician Tatiana Kuyantseva.

And Maria Pozharnaya from Novosibirsk received a set of gel pens of different colors from the fairy Olesya Garipova.

Many thanks to the participants and performers of the "Ball of Desires" for believing in miracles and a kind heart!

You can see a video response about this and other examples of kindness within the "Ball of Desires" here.

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