The young poet's dream of a collection of poems was fulfilled by the marathon of kindness "The Ball of Desires"

15-year-old Amir Farkhullin lives in the village of Malye Kirmen in Tatarstan. Since the age of 8, he has been writing poetry, participating and winning literary competitions. He shared his dream of his own collection of poems at the marathon of kindness "The Ball of Desires".

The Polyus company responded to fulfill the cherished desire of the young poet and presented Amir with 60 copies of his first printed edition. The collection contains poems dedicated to Amir's native land, the beauty of nature, and relationships between people.

Congratulations to Amir on the release of the first collection, we wish him inspiration and literary success!

You can see a video response about this and other examples of kindness within the framework of the "Ball of Desires" here.

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