The dream of a schoolgirl to help homeless animals was fulfilled by the participants of the "Ball of Desires"

The Department of State Supervision and Regulation in the field of waste management and Biodiversity of Rosprirodnadzor fulfilled the dream of 15-year-old Polina Vasilyeva from the city of Rezh, Sverdlovsk region.

Polina loves animals very much and dreams of people taking care of stray animals. In the video, Polina asked to feed the abandoned cats in her city. 52 kilograms of dry food from the Management staff were sent to the Dir. Polina and her mother took the food to the Lapka shelter and fed all the orphan cats.

Thanks to Polina for her kind heart, and to the executors of her wish for such necessary help to animals!

You can see a video response about this and other examples of kindness within the framework of the "Wish Ball" here.

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