The dream of becoming an environmental volunteer came true for a young resident of Orel

8-year-old Sofia Gula from the city of Orel is a regular participant of the Ecology is Everyone's Business award. At the marathon of kindness "Ball of Desires" she made a dream – to become an environmental volunteer. The girl's wish was fulfilled by the staff of the Center for Laboratory Analysis and Technical Measurements in the Central Federal District.

Sofia was invited to an exciting excursion. She learned what environmental monitoring is, visited the laboratory, saw how research is carried out, how recyclables are sorted. For the first time, the second-grader was in a scientific laboratory, where there are many interesting and modern equipment. She weighed the filter herself on a scale she had never seen before. She saw real daphnia in person and could not even imagine that these creatures were swimming in the river in which she herself bathes in the summer. Sofia realized that ecology is not only about removing garbage around her, but also clean air, clean rivers and reservoirs. Sofia became even more interested in the profession of an ecologist. And the employees of TsLATI presented the participant of the marathon with the symbol of the award "Ecology is everyone's business" – a white teddy bear and memorable prizes.

As part of the kindness marathon, the dreams of 212 children from different Russian regions came true. In total, about 450 children from 6 to 17 years old took part in the "Ball of Desires".

You can see a video response about this and other examples of kindness within the framework of the "Wish Ball" here.

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