The dream of attending a rehearsal at the circus came true for the participant of the "Ball of Desires" from St. Petersburg

Inquisitive Andrey Kuznetsov from St. Petersburg loves animals very much, is fond of myrmecology - the scientific study of ants and environmental protection issues. A 10-year-old student has created several projects about insects and their importance for the health of the planet. He has long wanted to see how circus performers prepare for performances and with this dream took part in the marathon of kindness "Ball of Desires".  Andrey created a model of the globe from plaster bandage, plastic bags, leaves and earth.

Employees of the North-Western Interregional Department of Rosprirodnadzor helped him to go behind the scenes of the circus. The boy's dream came true in the Great St. Petersburg State Circus. There he saw the world's first "Museum of Circus Art" and visited the rehearsal of the equilibrists on the persha, and also talked with the aerial gymnast of the Great Moscow State Circus Tatiana Belikova. The artist became interested in Andrey's hobby of studying the behavior of ants. 

Congratulations to Andrey on the fulfillment of his dream and wish him new interesting projects in the protection of nature!

You can see a video response about this and other examples of kindness within the framework of the "Ball of Desires" here.

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