Master classes in the "Eaglet"

The participants of the third eco–shift in Orlyonka, active and talented children and teenagers of the Ecology is Everyone's Business Award now know exactly how to prepare for the new year in an environmentally friendly way!

The Charter company held an exciting master class for young ecologists, where the children learned about interesting techniques for creating decorative items from recyclable materials and eco-materials and everyone could use their imagination to create eco-friendly Christmas toys.

The boys and girls made crafts from natural materials: they added ornaments made of cones, cinnamon, coffee beans, nuts and dried oranges to toys.

There are interesting creative, sports competitions ahead, interactive studies of the flora and fauna of the Black Sea, as well as a variety of studies in real eco-laboratories. 

The new eco—exchange gives young ecologists very important and valuable knowledge in various fields of environmental care, because ecology is a matter for each of us!

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Акция к 80-летию Великой Победы
«Игрушка ветерану»

СМАСТЕРИ мягкую игрушку - белого медвежонка!
ОТПРАВЬ ее до 1 апреля!
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