The kindness marathon fulfilled a child's dream of flying in a balloon

Arseny Gordeev's cherished dream – to make a balloon flight and see Veliky Novgorod from a height, came true thanks to the boy's participation in the marathon of kindness "The Ball of Desires". Arseny is inquisitive and brave! He wanted to go on a journey under the clouds just like the heroes of his favorite books. The student knows well the rich history and native nature of his city. Arseny's dream to see Veliky Novgorod in all its glory was fulfilled by employees of the North-Western Interregional Department of Rosprirodnadzor and the company "Element", which organized a spectacular balloon flight. The 9-year-old balloonist was not at all afraid, being in a basket at an altitude of 500 meters. Together with his mother, he enjoyed breathtaking views and met the most unusual sunset in his life. Congratulations to Arseny on the fulfillment of his dream and an unforgettable journey! And we thank everyone who helps to realize the most cherished childhood dreams!