The participants of the "Ball of Desires" received their favorite toys as a gift

To do good and help the environment is the motto of 10–year-old Alyosha Derevyanko from St. Petersburg. A volunteer of the "Very kind Children" squad decided to fulfill the dream of one of the participants of the "Ball of Wishes". Together with his mother, the boy made a gift to Alina Shaltina from Tatarstan - a set of Itzy cards. According to the laws of kindness, Alyosha's own dream also did not remain unfulfilled. A set of Infinity tops was given to him by the permanent wizard of the kindness marathon – Tatiana Kuyantseva. She also arranged a surprise for Taisiya Okuneva from Sochi, who loves teddy bears. Taya got two whole fluffy toys. Danil Hamidullin from Tatarstan received three transformer tobots as a gift from Tatiana Alexandrovna, and Dilya Shakurova - roller skates.  

Another young performer of wishes, Anya Kamenets from Moscow, together with her mother, delighted 7-year-old Amina Abdullina from the village of Nizhnyaya Sun and gave her a toy duck Lalafanfan. 

The fairy of kindness Irina Veselova from the Nizhny Novgorod region fulfilled the dream of Anya Zakrevskaya from Karelia and sent her a large Lego set for girls. 

Valeria Bakanova, a regular performer of the kindness marathon, sent a Lady Bug doll to Stavropol for little Alina Morozova. 

And the robot cat Jessie now lives with 6-year-old Anya Shabalina from Kirov. The gift to the girl was made by employees of the West Ural Interregional Department of Rosprirodnadzor. 

Their colleagues from the Southern Interregional Department of the RPN handed over a large truck to a young lover of technology from the Krasnodar Territory. Misha Kirichenko is a special child, he can't speak, but he was happy that his car collection was replenished.  The attention and kindness of people gave joy to the boy and his family.   

Congratulations to all the guys on the fulfillment of their dreams! We wish you not only to believe in miracles, but also to help them come true!  

You can see a video response about this and other examples of kindness within the "Ball of Desires" here.

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