Nizhnekamskneftekhim fulfilled the cherished dreams of the participants of the "Ball of Desires"

Fourth-grader Maryam Gayfullina studies at the Nizhnekamsk music School and loves listening to different music. That's why the girl dreamed of a smart column. And her 6-year-old brother Insaf is fond of fishing and asked for kindness at the marathon - a tent and a fishing rod. The dreams of the guys were fulfilled by employees of the Nizhnekamskneftekhim company.

They also fulfilled the wish of 11-year-old Salakhutdinova Kamili, who loves active recreation and often goes hiking with her parents. The girl was given a four-person tent, and now the family always takes her on trips.

8-year-old Nabiullin Niyaz made his model of the earth from plastic caps. The boy loves animals and takes care of them. At home he has colorful parrots. Niyaz is also passionate about football and received a professional soccer ball as a gift.

Third-grader Igor Zhidkov dreams that the earth will always be green and blooming. He is very inquisitive and dreams of exploring everything around him under a microscope. Igor's wish came true, he was given a powerful microscope!

Congratulations to the guys and thanks to everyone who helps fulfill cherished childhood dreams!

You can see a video response about this and other examples of kindness within the framework of the "Ball of Desires" here.

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