The main eco-park of Russia was installed in the Moscow Zoo

The head of Rosprirodnadzor, Svetlana Radionova, has solemnly opened the country's main eco-friendly Christmas tree at the Moscow Zoo. The festive outfit of the Christmas tree was created by the participants of the first All-Russian campaign "New Year's Eco–game", organized by Rosprirodnadzor within the framework of the International Children's and Youth Award "Ecology is everyone's business".

The eight-meter fluffy beauty was decorated with works by authors from all regions of Russia, including from the LPR and the DPR. In total, over 5,000 eco-friendly New Year's toys were received, which are created from unnecessary things, garbage, natural or recycled materials.

The head of Rosprirodnadzor Svetlana Radionova and the director of the Moscow Zoo Svetlana Akulova solemnly cut the red ribbon at the opening of the largest ecological Christmas tree. The ceremony was also attended by the head of the Department of Environmental Management and Environmental Protection of Moscow, Yulia Vinodaeva, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Russian Media Group Sergey Bunin, State Duma deputy Sergei Boyarsky, famous Russian singer Yulia Savicheva.

"Today, together with our friends and partners – the Moscow Zoo and the Russian Media Group - we feel like real wizards. We are happy to present this incredibly beautiful and environmentally friendly Christmas tree. And touched by the amazing New Year's toys! Each of them is created with talent, each radiates warmth and caring for the environment. I can imagine with what trepidation the guys will come here and look at the Christmas tree, look for their toy on it!" said Svetlana Radionova, head of Rosprirodnadzor.

Young authors of eco-games were invited to the ceremony. The guys themselves hung their decorations on the New Year's beauty and admired the result. Eco–friendly panda, bright lanterns made of plastic bottles, red Santa boots made of old socks, garlands of non-working light bulbs, openwork fans made of disposable forks and pieces of lace, the symbol of the coming year is a dragon from an egg package, a polar bear made of foam. Many creative works were dedicated to the inhabitants of the Arctic, since the white Bear is the mascot of the Ecology is Everyone's Business award.

"I am very pleased that the eco-zoo will delight visitors to the Moscow Zoo! Thanks to the guys who made amazing toys on the theme of protecting rare animals. Together with Rosprirodnadzor, we have saved more than one Red Book animal and we really hope that these stories will serve as an important example of responsible attitude to wildlife for the younger generation," said Svetlana Akulova, director of the Moscow Zoo.

The guests of the event were given a unique tour, during which they visited the animals rescued by the joint efforts of Rosprirodnadzor and specialists of the Moscow Zoo. Including Himalayan bears, one of which is under the care of Russian Radio.

"Ecoelka is a kind and useful initiative of Rosprirodnadzor. It helps to popularize the topic of ecology and conservation of endangered animals. Russian Russian Media Group has a Himalayan bear under its care, and it is right that companies take care of rare zoo inhabitants and understand the responsibility of society for their safety," said Sergey Bunin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Russian Media Group.

State Duma deputy Sergei Boyarsky noted that he supports the wonderful New Year's initiative of Rosprirodnadzor. According to the head of the Department of Environmental Management and Environmental Protection of Moscow, Yulia Vinodaeva, it is important to pay attention to climate issues so that everyone thinks about how human actions affect the future of our planet. Russian singer Yulia Savicheva also greeted the guests of the ceremony.

"I am glad to see you today and look at the first Christmas tree in our country. It's just wonderful!" said Yulia Savicheva.

All the children were presented with sweet gifts from Santa Claus. And the same prizes await the authors of all New Year decorations. The head of the environmental protection service invited everyone to visit the eco-park at the Moscow Zoo and get in the pre-holiday mood, and maybe be inspired to create their own eco-toys to decorate the Christmas tree at home.

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