The head of Rosprirodnadzor invited children from Brazil to participate in the award "Ecology is everyone's business"

The head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Nature Management Svetlana Radionova at a meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Brazil to Russia Rodrigo de Lima Baena Soares invited children from this country unique in its biodiversity to take an active part in the third season of the International Children's and Youth Award "Ecology is everyone's business".

Svetlana Radionova visited the section of the photo exhibition dedicated to the unique flora and fauna of Brazil in the halls of the Union of Artists of Russia in the New Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow as part of the opening of the jubilee X All-Russian Nature Festival "Primordial Russia". A regular meeting of the head of Rosprirodnadzor and the Ambassador of Brazil took place near the exposition. At the end of 2022, the parties have already met to discuss the topic of the Rosprirodnadzor Children's Award.

"Brazil is a leader among countries in biodiversity and it is important to do everything not to lose it. The International Children's and Youth Award "Ecology is everyone's business" was created in order to preserve the environment and instill environmental habits in children through various activities, environmental actions, flash mobs, scientific projects. The third season of the Award begins on March 1. It is very important for us that children and teenagers of such a unique country as Brazil tell us how nature is protected and protected in their country, what adults do for this and how children can help them. Dear Mr. Rodrigo de Lima Baena Soares, we invite the guys to take part in the Rosprirodnadzor Award, because ecology is everyone's business," Svetlana Radionova said at a meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Brazil.

Also, the head of Rosprirodnadzor, as part of the opening of the Primordial Russia festival, visited the exposition of Russian photographers, a significant part of whose works are devoted to the protection of rare species of animals listed in the Red Book of Russia, as well as the topic of popularization of respect for nature.

"Thanks to the festival, interest in environmental protection is growing. I wish the project even more talented authors, researchers and connoisseurs of nature. Their pictures inspire visitors to travel to the beautiful corners of Russia, but most importantly, they urge them to take care of preserving the amazing and unique nature of our country. In this regard, the festival and the international prize of Rosprirodnadzor "Ecology is everyone's business" have a common goal: environmental education and respect for nature. The young participants of our Award are still learning all the variety of genres and artistic techniques in photography, but their works, as well as the works of first–class photo artists of the country presented here, speak of a desire to save the greatness and beauty of the Earth, the pristine beauty of Russia," Svetlana Radionova said.

She also stressed that the Primordial Russia festival promotes the development of ecotourism and draws attention to serious environmental problems. It is especially valuable to involve families with children in eco–education in order to join forces in the fight for a clean planet not only at the state level, but also in private, when every person starts himself - stops littering, refuses to use plastic, saves resources, does not light fires in the forest.

"It is the task of every inhabitant of the Earth to contribute to the preservation of the unique storehouse of nature. This is what children from all over the world tell about in the framework of the "Ecology is everyone's Business" award. Last year, the number of Award participants increased more than fivefold. More than 45 thousand children from Russia and 33 other countries have shown how to take care of nature, why it is important to have a conscious attitude to the environment. The guys were engaged in the development of scientific projects, cleaning of protected areas, sorting waste, planting trees, creating cartoons and blogging on environmental topics, reflecting acute environmental problems in drawings and photographs," the head of Rosprirodnadzor noted.

Recall that the award "Ecology is everyone's business" was established by Rosprirodnadzor on March 31, 2021 and is held annually. The project encourages interesting ideas, initiatives and outstanding projects dedicated to the preservation of the environment, respect for nature, environmental education and popularization of eco-culture among young people. Applications for the third season of the Award are accepted from March 1 to October 1, 2023.

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