The head of Rosprirodnadzor supported the initiatives of the participants of the children's environmental forum in Chelyabinsk

At a meeting with participants of the All-Russian Children's Environmental Forum (DEF) in Chelyabinsk, the head of Rosprirodnadzor Svetlana Radionova supported several youth initiatives. Thus, the possibility of implementing the idea of 14-year–old Andrei Mikulenko from the Luhansk People's Republic, who proposed to open a summer camp of the Rosprirodnadzor award "Ecology is everyone's Business" in Moscow together with one of the country's leading universities for students and the most active graduates of the project, will be considered.

The DEF, organized by the Compass Foundation for the Support and Development of Environmental Initiatives and the Ministry of Ecology of the Chelyabinsk Region, is being held in Chelyabinsk for the second time. This year, the forum is held in two stages: the first was attended online by teams from all 89 regions of Russia, and the second was full–time – teams from 51 regions took place in Chelyabinsk. Each team submits their ideas to the environmental project competition. The full-time round of the DEF included 31 winners, prize–winners and active participants of the International Children's and Youth Award of Rosprirodnadzor "Ecology is everyone's Business" from 14 Russian regions: Arkhangelsk, Vladimir, Volgograd, Lipetsk, Orenburg, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk regions, Kamchatka, Krasnoyarsk and Perm Territories, Lugansk People's Republic, the Republics of Tatarstan and Mari El, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. Svetlana Radionova, Head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Environmental Management, met with young participants of the environmental forum in Chelyabinsk. Young eco-activists were able to ask the head of the environmental protection service topical questions on the topic of environmental safety and came up with initiatives. Thus, the winner of the IV season of the award, 14-year-old Andrey Mikulenko from the city of Krasnodon of the Luhansk People's Republic, asked Svetlana Radionova about the possibility of opening a summer camp in Moscow for graduates of the Award, students and active participants, where children can exchange experiences to improve the environmental situation.

"It's a great idea. It's great that we think the same way. Just the other day, we discussed with our partners – one of the leading universities in the country – the possibility of opening a summer camp on their basis for active participants of the award who have already turned 18 years old. It will be a unique school where students from different parts of Russia and even different countries could meet, exchange experiences, offer their ideas, and discuss joint projects. We really hope that we will be able to implement this idea. We really get feedback from our graduates that the guys would like to see each other in Moscow and share their experiences. Many of them became friends at Orlenka, the Pearl of Russia, where we have already sent several hundred winners and active participants. You are our new generation, in whose hands is the future of the planet. And adult children who have chosen a profession will be able to expand the possibilities of applying their achievements or receive support for their initiatives. In addition, such a camp will enhance your competencies not only as environmentalists, but also introduce you to new trends and skills. The new platform will give you the opportunity to show your leadership and media skills. We are very pleased that our cooperation with Russian universities is yielding such results and we are glad that students today want to actively participate in the Service Award. As of today, 120 universities across the country have supported us," Svetlana Radionova said.

The head of Rosprirodnadzor thanked Andrei Mikulenko for the idea and active participation in the award. According to Svetlana Radionova, the initiative to open a unique site on the basis of one of the higher educational institutions will be considered. The participants of the children's environmental forum were also interested in the opportunity to come to Moscow for the solemn awarding of the prize–winners and winners of the V anniversary season of the Ecology is Everyone's Business award. The head of Rosprirodnadzor did not rule out such a possibility, noting that in this way it would be desirable to encourage children who showed indifference to the issues of conservation of nature and its resources. At the meeting, the guys also asked about new technologies. So, 12-year-old Egor Sokolov from Yoshkar–Ola, the winner of the IV season in the nomination "Eco–education", asked if artificial intelligence would be able to solve environmental pollution issues. Svetlana Radionova told how today new technologies help solve problems of environmental well-being, but noted that artificial intelligence, like any tool, should be in the hands of a master, therefore it is only a human assistant.

Svetlana Radionova thanked the award participants for their initiatives to protect the environment, for creative approaches to environmental education and an ever-growing number of works. According to the head of the environmental protection service, young residents of Chelyabinsk are very active. In 2023, the Chelyabinsk Region took the second place in the rating of Russian regions in terms of the number of applications received for the award. The winners from the Chelyabinsk region won prizes in a variety of nominations: "Ecosemya", "Ecomultfilm", "Ecobloger" and "Ecosoyuz". For example, students of Lyceum No. 95 held many actions within the framework of the annual environmental festival and in 1 day collected 9 tons of waste paper, 800 kg of plastic caps and a full truck of food and necessary things for a dog shelter, and also took part in a fashion show of costumes made of recyclable materials.

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