The head of Rosprirodnadzor announced the start date of the third season of the children's award

Svetlana Radionova, head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Environmental Management, announced at a meeting with Moscow high school students as part of the "Economoch" campaign that the III International Children's and Youth Award "Ecology is Everyone's Business" will start on March 1, 2023. According to her, participation in the Award gives children and teenagers a chance to realize the most daring ideas and developments in the field of ecology, will help to unlock scientific and creative potential. Radionova noted that a new nomination will appear within the framework of the project.
During the "Save Money" campaign at Moscow school 2107, the chief ecologist of Russia told students how to implement environmental ideas that will help children discover their talents and decide on their future profession right now. Schoolchildren actively participated in master classes, entertainment program and were not left without prizes. Svetlana Radionova also reported on the unique opportunity to implement research and creative projects aimed at preserving the environment within the framework of the new season of the Ecology is Everyone's Business Award.
"Guys, go for it. Here is a huge selection of nominations where you can show boundless imagination in a variety of fields – from art to science. You are future engineers and environmentalists, journalists and businessmen, biologists and high–tech developers. Not only your personal professional future depends on your initiative, but also the future of our planet," Svetlana Radionova addressed the participants of the "Economy". She noted that in the new season of the Ecology – Everyone's Business Award, another nomination will appear – the tenth, details about it are still kept secret. In addition, the organizers are preparing surprises for the participants in the form of new projects and promotions.
The head of Rosprirodnadzor told about how, thanks to participation in the Award, the most active and talented guys were able to implement their projects. For example, investors became interested in the development of the "Aquacafe" by Olga Frantseva, a participant of the first season, an 11th grader from Moscow. The winner of the Grand Prix of the second season, 15-year-old Boris Glushak from St. Petersburg, invented the Cascade-1 photobioreactor. One of the large plants has already acquired its innovative development, which, due to microalgae, makes it possible to obtain oxygen from carbon dioxide and disinfect the air.
Nikita Anisimov, Rector of the Higher School of Economics, also spoke at the meeting about the need to help children discover their talents and find a vocation.
"Our task is to give children from all regions of Russia the opportunity to find themselves, to help them express themselves. We need to fight for talented guys. No wonder HSE has created a unique environment for the development and disclosure of talents. The Rosprirodnadzor Children's Award also meets this task," he said.
Within the framework of the "Econochie", the organizers of the Award and the experts of the Eco-School-2107 helped students to orient themselves, where to start, on what topics to conceive their eco-project. Master classes, informative lectures and quizzes from the HSE Institute of Ecology and the Green Tower student organization were attended by over 240 students and their parents. The guys learned more about the protected areas of Russia, national parks, discussed the contribution of each person to the preservation of natural resources. "Economy" was not limited to discussions only. Schoolchildren collected soft toys for recycling and learned how to make eco-puffs. They signed up to participate in the "Plant a Forest" charity event, and also received prizes and gifts from the "Ecology is Everyone's Business" award.
"Ecology is an interdisciplinary field, and projects in this area have global significance. That is why we believe that ecology today is one of the best areas for discovering talents," said Natalia Porotnikova, Deputy Director of the Institute of Ecology, Head of the HSE Eco–School.
Recall that the children's and youth environmental initiative was established by Rosprirodnadzor on March 31, 2021. The prize is awarded for interesting ideas, initiatives and outstanding projects dedicated to the preservation of the environment, respect for nature, environmental education and popularization of eco-culture among children and youth aged 6 to 17 years. Last year, the number of applications for the Award increased by more than 5 times and exceeded 45 thousand. The contestants were children from 34 countries. A huge number of creative applications came from Russian schools, boarding schools and orphanages, many of them were rewarded for their activity with diplomas and gifts. The children received smartphones, tablets, vouchers to the Black Sea and training courses. Applications for the third season of the Award are accepted from March 1 to October 1, 2023 on the website www.экологияделокаждого .RF.