Gadgets for filming eco-videos were received by the participants of the "Ball of Desires" from different cities of Russia

Ruslan Martynyuk from the city of Labinsk, Krasnodar Territory, jumped with happiness when he learned that his dream of a smartphone had become a reality. The teenager's wish was fulfilled by the good fairy of the marathon Tatiana Kuyantseva. Now Ruslan will be able to shoot and mount interesting videos in defense of nature!
The same goal is set by Arina Rybakova from Mari El. 9-year–old Arina is an active participant in the Ecology is Everyone's Business award and asked for a ring lamp for her new projects. Ilona Ushakova, a participant of the kindness marathon, made a gift to the girl.
And employees of the Department of Rosprirodnadzor in the Republic of Sakha presented a monopod to 11-year-old Rayan Diyarov from Tatarstan. The boy dreams of becoming a blogger and creating films and reports in defense of nature.
We wish the guys successful filming and interesting videos on the topic of ecology!
You can see a video response about this and other examples of kindness within the "Ball of Desires" here.