A football ball from the SFL was received as a gift by a participant of the "Ball of Desires"

The ball from the youth football league was given as a gift by 7-year-old Matvey Makarov from the city of Kirov!

The partner of the award supported the charity project "Ball of Wishes" and fulfilled the dream of a novice football player. Now, Matvey trains with even more zeal and is sure that this ball will bring him good luck!

Congratulations to the young athlete on this event and wish him to score many beautiful goals!

You can see a video response about this and other examples of kindness within the framework of the "Ball of Desires" here.

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Акция к 80-летию Великой Победы
«Игрушка ветерану»

СМАСТЕРИ мягкую игрушку - белого медвежонка!
ОТПРАВЬ ее до 1 апреля!
ПОЛУЧИ сертификат за участие!

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