Elena Letuchaya supported the award "Ecology is everyone's business"

The famous Russian TV presenter Elena Letuchaya supported the II International Children's and Youth Award of Rosprirodnadzor "Ecology is everyone's business" and joined the jury of the project.
The award was initiated by the head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Nature Management Svetlana Radionova. The project aims to instill environmental habits in children, adolescents and their parents. Environmental education through simple and understandable forms for young people – challenges, actions, flash mobs, songs, dances, rap, as well as involvement in scientific activities will help to educate a new eco-generation and draw the attention of children and adults to the problems of environmental protection and respect for nature, the head of the service is sure.
The participants of the nomination "Ecomultfilm" will create cartoons within the framework of the award and the educational project of Elena Letuchaya. Children from 6 to 17 years old, both in Russia and abroad, will be able to make animation in any genre, starting from a plasticine cartoon and the movement of drawings in the frame and ending with anime. Elena Letuchaya will choose the best and will present a special prize. Also, the winning cartoon will be able to be shown and broadcast on social networks by a well-known TV presenter.
"I really like the name of the Rosprirodnadzor award – "Ecology is everyone's business" – so good, accurate and correct. When we talk about ecology, a lot of adults and children do not understand what ecology is and what they should do. Many people want to do something, but they don't know what would be useful. Environmental education is the first thing we should do. We need to tell our children about what ecology is, why it is important and why to think about it. What is garbage? Why should it be separated? When I found out that there is such a premium and the right thoughts on the vector and ideas, I could not help but pay attention and pass by. Because it's very important. Public people should definitely talk about the things that are important. Ecology is very important. Ecology is our future. After all, when we live in cities and read some publications about global warming or something about pollution, we think that this does not concern us. And this applies to everyone. And that's why I really like the name "Ecology is everyone's business". Each of us should understand that this is a matter for each of us. Therefore, such projects need to be supported, they need to be talked about, and such projects need to be done. I am very glad that there is such a project, and I hope that it will continue, and we will hear about it and, of course, support it," Elena Letuchaya said.
She added that now advanced countries pay a lot of attention to education issues, develop any entertainment projects related to ecology, and as an example, she recalled how earlier during natural science lessons they collected garbage in the forest and on the river.
The award "Ecology is Everyone's business" was also supported by the legendary Soyuzmultfilm film studio. The jury of the project included its director Boris Mashkovtsev, who will choose the strongest in the nomination "Ecomultfilm".
Soyuzmultfilm is happy to support the Ecology is Everyone's Business award, because this is also our business. Look at almost all the cartoons, the characters are animals. So we and nature always go together. And I will be happy to go to the jury of the award in the nomination "Ecomultfilm" and I will look forward to your work," Mashkovtsev said.
There are 9 nominations in the awards of the second season, two team ones – "Eco–family" and "Eco-School" and 7 individual ones - "Ecomir", "Ecoproject", "Ecobloger", "Ecorisunok", "Ecofocus", "Ecomultfilm", "ESG-generation". Applications for participation are accepted until October 1, 2022 on the ecologydelokazhdogo website.rf from children and adolescents aged 6 to 17 years. Smartphones, tablets, cash certificates, vouchers to the All–Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok" and travel around Russia - all this awaits the winners and prize-winners of the award.
The general partner of the project was the ANO Center for Arctic Initiatives. Federal partners: JSC "RNG", JSC "Uralchem", VDC "Eaglet", Moscow Zoo.
The general information partner of the award is RIA Novosti, the International Information Partner is the International News Agency and Radio Sputnik. The general radio partner is Business FM. Information partners: Izvestia News Center, Komsomolskaya Pravda Publishing House, FederalPress media holding, MIR TV channel, Children's Radio, Regnum FIA, Rossiyskaya Gazeta and others.