Около 90 вузов России поддержали премию Росприроднадзора

Laureates and winners of the Rosprirodnadzor award "Ecology is everyone's business" will receive preferences for admission to 87 of the best universities in the country, head of Rosprirodnadzor Svetlana Radionova said.
Participation in the international children's and youth Award opens doors for young people to top higher education institutions in Russia and gives them a chance to get a high-quality education, the country's chief ecologist continued.
Universities award from 1 to 10 additional points to laureates, winners, prize–winners, and in some cases to all participants of the II, III and IV seasons of the Ecology is Everyone's Business award. This gives additional opportunities to applicants for admission to budget places, targeted training and receiving a grant from the university for free education.
"There are many contests aimed at talented young people. We don't just find these guys, but also help them get the most out of their proactive environmental position. The award provides an opportunity for a social lift for participants from all over the country, as we were supported by the best universities in many Russian regions. And we thank the rectors for their cooperation and assistance. Together we will be able to grow the best specialists in the field of sustainable development," said Svetlana Radionova, head of Rosprirodnadzor.
The Rosprirodnadzor Award was supported by universities in all federal districts of the country: from Kaliningrad to the Far East. The list of partners includes the Higher School of Economics, RUDN, National Research Tomsk State University, MIREA – Russian University of Technology, Southern Federal University, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Siberian Federal University, Far Eastern Federal University, Moscow Aviation Institute, National Research University Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University, North Caucasus Federal University, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University and other universities.
It is important that young residents of the industrial cities of Irkutsk and Novosibirsk also have the opportunity to gain advantages when choosing a profession in the field of environmental protection.
Most partner universities take into account the individual achievements of the Award participants when applying to all their fields of study, and not only to specialties related to ecology.
"Thanks to every university who supported us. We want to make the profession of an ecologist prestigious. We want more children to go into environmental professions. And children who are "burning" with the topic of ecology today and who want to help nature were able to receive additional points for the Unified State Exam, they had the opportunity to study at the best universities in the country and realize their profession," Svetlana Radionova noted.
The head of Rosprirodnadzor stressed that schoolchildren receive various preferences, last year RUDN accepted the winner of the Ecology is Everyone's Business award for a budget place. In addition, one of the top schools in Moscow 2107, in support of the educational project of the Award, offered the possibility of bonus and out-of-competition admission to classes with the status of a "Distributed Lyceum" in a number of areas, including natural sciences, media, Phys Tech classes and others.
As noted by the head of Rosprirodnadzor Svetlana Radionova, the most generous 10 additional points for the winners and laureates of the Ecology is Everyone's Business award are awarded by St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Prof. M.A. Bonch–Bruevich, Omsk State Technical University, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev-KAI, Kazan State Energy University, Ufa University of Science and Technology, I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, Ural State Forestry and Ural State Mining Universities, Bratsk and Baikal State Universities.
Details and conditions of benefits and bonuses for individual merits of Rosprirodnadzor award participants are indicated on the websites of higher educational institutions. Details can also be clarified in the admissions committees of universities.