Nizhnekamskneftekhim fulfilled childhood dreams within the framework of the "Ball of Desires"

Schoolchildren from Tatarstan told about their cherished desires at the kindness marathon. Each of them takes care of nature and made a model of the globe from recycled materials. Employees of Nizhnekamskneftekhim encouraged the guys.
10-year-old Ilina Semenova was presented with a long-awaited guitar. 15-year–old athlete Vladimir Ipkeev – hockey skates, and inquisitive Amir Garifullin and Farida Shigapova - powerful microscopes.
High school students Kamil Garayeva and Adil Ganieva like to visit nature, study its phenomena and observe animals and birds. The young researchers were presented with tourist tents. And Kamila Gubaidullina and Alsina Khadiullina from Mamadysh are fond of painting. They received an artist's kit and an easel as a gift.
Eduard Seryakov dreamed of yellow boots and his wish was also fulfilled by employees of Nizhnekamskneftekhim. First-graders Danis Sadikov and Gabdulla Nazipov, as well as 9-year-old Azalia Shalafayeva, received scooters. Danil Nurbiev and Alsina Khadiullina dreamed of their favorite toys, Danil was given a radio–controlled car, and Alsina was given a large Lol doll. Young blogger Adelia Bochkareva received a ring lamp.
The students thanked the performers of their desires and are preparing new works for the award "Ecology is everyone's business".
Congratulations to the guys on fulfilling their dreams and wish them to apply their gifts and hobbies for the benefit of the environment!