The volunteer of the Ecology – Everyone's Business Award was awarded by Sergey Kiriyenko

First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of Russia Sergey Kiriyenko presented a letter of thanks to Anna Permyakova, a volunteer of the Ecology is Everyone's Business award. The award ceremony took place at the grand opening of the All-Russian Youth Ecological Forum "Ecosystem. Protected area" in the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Sergey Kiriyenko highly appreciated the activities of Anna Permyakova, who together with Rosprirodnadzor organized a number of bright environmental actions.

The award "Ecology is everyone's business" was initiated by the head of Rosprirodnadzor Svetlana Radionova in March 2021.

"From the bottom of my heart I want to thank the First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Sergey Kiriyenko for such a high assessment and support, and of course, the head of Rosprirodnadzor for the opportunity to help such a necessary and kind eco–award. For me and our family, "Ecology is everyone's business" is not just a motto, but the meaning of life, and I am glad that I can help our nature and the environment at least a little together with other volunteers," said Anna Permyakova, a volunteer of the award.

Forum participants, including Anna Permyakova, shared their successes in the development of the environmental movement in Russia. Sergey Kiriyenko noted the contribution of caring people who, at the call of their hearts, work for the preservation of the natural wealth of the country, form a reasonable human impact on the environment and handed Anna Permyakova a letter of thanks. Anna, in turn, thanked the head of the environmental protection service Svetlana Radionova for the opportunity to participate in the award as a volunteer and benefit society and nature itself. To this end, Anna, together with the territorial department of Rosprirodnadzor, helped organize the Ecomir festival, which was attended by 11 thousand people this year. The eco-activist organized actions for the reception of recyclable materials "Ecomobil" with the participation of more than 300 families, as well as actions for cleaning the coast of the Ob River and the Novosibirsk reservoir. Anna has participated and partnered in the actions "Ecological Agitteplokhod", exhibitions of recycled works, planting seedlings on the territory of educational institutions. 

The most touching moment with her participation was the holding of master classes and events for active participants of the Award - children with disabilities from the volunteer project "Funny Siberians". In addition, Anna did not stay away from the charity project of the Award – the marathon of kindness "Ball of Wishes" – and helped fulfill the cherished dreams of two children from Novosibirsk. Anna Permyakova noted that for her whole family and loved ones, "Ecology is everyone's business" is not just a motto, but the meaning of life, because the project not only helps thousands of children across the country and the world to talk about their ideas for environmental protection, but also unites truly caring people who are ready to invest and a soul to make the nature of your region cleaner.

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