Acceptance of applications for the "Ecology is everyone's business" award is open!

The award "Ecology is everyone's business" accepts applications for participation!

Since March 1, we have been waiting for creative works not only by children, but also by teachers and mentors, journalists and volunteers.

Now we have 12 nominations, three of them are completely new – "Eco-education", "Ecotourism" and "Ecology of the soul". This year, the contestants have even more opportunities to take care of nature and take care of animals and plants. We are waiting for new eco-projects and research, flash mobs and drawings, photos and eco-routes to the most picturesque corners of the planet from you. Show what you are doing for ecology and popularization of ecological culture in your region, city, village. Do not limit yourself in creativity, choose any genre - theater, music, poetry, choreography. We welcome any creative initiatives and ideas on the topic of saving wildlife and protecting the environment.

The third season of the Award is open! We are waiting for your talented works!

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