On the last day of summer, the federal Educational marathon of the Russian Society "Knowledge" starts

From August 31 to September 2, the Russian Society "Knowledge" will hold a new federal Educational marathon "Knowledge". Over the course of three days, the audience will see performances by more than 200 outstanding lecturers – statesmen, business leaders, scientists and popularizers of science, media industry specialists, over 120 hours of educational content, as well as lectures in new formats, the premiere of an educational performance and much more. For the first time, registration for the marathon will be open to everyone – the selection of listeners will be carried out according to the results of the creative competition.
The venues of the Educational Marathon will be studios in five cities, each will cover a specific topic. Achievements of science, culture, engineering, technological and scientific discoveries, as well as the richest historical and cultural heritage, natural resources of the country and everything that is the heritage of Russia and the world, will be the subject of discussion of mentors and youth audience of the marathon. In Moscow, the work of the studio in the Zaryadye concert hall will be devoted to the topic "Knowledge.
Power", which will demonstrate that it is thanks to knowledge that a person is able to solve any tasks, achieve success and realize dreams. The leitmotif of the site in St. Petersburg will be the theme "Knowledge. Made in Russia", which will illustrate the scale of Russia's intellectual, creative and technological potential for creating new products, as well as introduce young people to the latest solutions in the field of import substitution. The platform "Knowledge. Heritage of Russia" in Nizhny Novgorod will introduce listeners to a variety of cultural, scientific and technical discoveries that are the subject of national pride of Russians. The marathon program will include the track "Knowledge.
Ecology" – it will present the educational program of the platform "Knowledge" at the All-Russian Youth Ecological Forum "Ecosystem" in the Kamchatka Territory, which will demonstrate the advantages of a conscious lifestyle, as well as reveal relevant tools for caring for the environment. For the first time, one of the tracks of the marathon is "Knowledge.
We are together" – will be organized at the site in Lugansk in the Luhansk People's Republic: through the prism of lectures and interviews on the topic of cultural diversity, unique traditions of different peoples, common values, it will allow all listeners to feel what truly unites us. The audience will be able to see the speeches of the speakers of the Educational Marathon from anywhere in the country on the website <span>https://marathon .
znanierussia.ru , as well as in the group of the Russian society "Knowledge" VKontakte.
The innovation of the upcoming marathon will be the open registration of listeners. To participate in the first three marathons of "Knowledge" were invited guys who by that time had already managed to prove themselves in various All-Russian competitions and Olympiads. This time, especially for everyone who is ready to demonstrate their knowledge and talents to attend the marathon, but has not yet managed to do so, "Knowledge" has launched a special creative competition. The rules are simple: you need to publish a post on the VKontakte social network with an interesting fact about Russia – its history, science, technology, art, ecology, about the regions of Russia or about the peculiarities of national culture. The publication format can be any: text, drawing, photo or video. In the post, it is necessary to mark the account @znanierussia and put hashtags#Share knowledge and #Marathon knowledge. To participate in the contest, you must register on the website https://marathon .znanierussia.ru by attaching a link to the publication of the creative task to the registration form. The winners will be selected by the expert council of the competition, they will become guests of the marathon studio in Moscow.
"The Federal Educational Marathon "Knowledge" will be held for the fourth time, and as always, the program will be rich – both in terms of formats and content," said Maxim Dreval, Director General of the Russian Society "Knowledge". – Reliable knowledge is one of the fundamental values of modern society, therefore, with each new event we try to make it even more accessible to everyone. For example, we are currently doing a lot of work on organizing broadcasts on educational institutions and on city screens throughout Russia. In addition, we receive many requests from viewers who want to attend the marathon in person. And I am glad that even more talented guys will get such a chance by taking part in the creative competition."
From September 1 to 9, the Share Your Knowledge campaign will be held, within which lecturers of the Knowledge Society, representatives of public organizations, statesmen, governors and heads of major Russian corporations will visit Russian schools and universities, as well as speak at open lessons. On September 2, the marathon will host the premiere of the educational play "Difficult Exam" – the winner of the All-Russian competition "Knowledge. Theater". Viewers will be able to watch the broadcast of the production on the Marathon website and in the community of the Russian society "Knowledge" VKontakte.