3D pens were handed to young participants of the "Ball of Desires"

7-year-old Adelina Bikmetova from Nizhnekamsk loves to draw and create crafts. Her dream of receiving a 3D pen as a gift was fulfilled by employees of the Volga-Kama Interregional Department of Rosprirodnadzor. Now Adeline has a magic tool and an unlimited field for creative ideas.

Just like 8-year-old Daria Yakimova from the village of Bolshaya Shiya in Tatarstan. The good fairy Olesya Garipova gave her a gift. Young artists will be able not only to work on stencils, but also to make original decorations on the cover of their favorite book, on a phone case or draw three-dimensional paintings!

Congratulations to the girls on the fulfillment of their dreams and wish them to get real masterpieces from the pen!

You can see a video response about this and other examples of kindness within the framework of the "Ball of Desires" here.

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Акция к 80-летию Великой Победы
«Игрушка ветерану»

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