The winners and prize-winners of the Rosprirodnadzor award will receive additional points for admission to universities this year

Svetlana Radionova, head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Environmental Management, announced that additional points were awarded to applicants of Russian universities for success in the Ecology is Everyone's Business Award. In the midst of the current admission campaign, winners, prize-winners and participants of the Award can take advantage of their achievements in the field of environmental protection and receive additional points or budget places for admission to five higher educational institutions of the country. Negotiations are underway on a similar agreement with other Russian universities.

The initiative to reward the authors of the best works of the Award "Ecology is everyone's business" with additional points was announced at the Public Council at Rosprirodnadzor in March this year. The members of the council expressed the opinion that this will help the formation of public environmental awareness. The idea was supported by the head of the Service Svetlana Radionova. As a result of agreements with rectors, today the holders of diplomas of the prize winner or the winner of the Award in the categories "Ecomir", "Ecobloger", "Ecomultfilm", "Ecoproject", "ESG-generation", "Ecotourism", "Ecoprosveschenie", "Ecorisunok" and "Ecofocus" receive two points upon admission to the top Russian The university is the National Research University "Higher School of Economics". The results obtained no earlier than 2 years before the date of completion of the acceptance of documents are taken into account. Coveted points will also be awarded to applicants to the Northeastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov, and the winners of the Award - 7 points, the winners – 5 points, the participants – 1 point. The National Research Tomsk State University will also encourage applicants for high results at the Rosprirodnadzor competition and will award 6 points to winners for any direction or specialty, and 5 points to prize–winners. This year, one of the contestants of the previous seasons will have the opportunity to study for free at the Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, and the Lomonosov Northern (Arctic) Federal University has prepared an admission for targeted training for achievements in the Ecology – Everyone's Business Award.

"I am very glad that we managed to agree on such a serious reward for the participants of the Ecology is Everyone's Business Award. Additional points upon admission give them not only the opportunity to study at the best higher education institutions in the country, but also inspire new interesting projects in the field of environmental protection and not only.Future engineers, biologists, designers, architects – these guys, having already received high appreciation for their work, will gain even more motivation and self–belief, and participation in the Award will become attractive to new contestants and will involve young people in the environmental movement, which is already gaining strength and power," Svetlana Radionova said.

The head of the environmental protection Service said that the list of universities providing bonuses to contestants will definitely be expanded, negotiations are underway now. Graduates–2023 can use their personal merits in the Award "Ecology is everyone's business" today when submitting documents. The status of the winner or prize-winner must be confirmed with appropriate diplomas.

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